Get inspired, friend! Click through to sign up for the free 5 day ecourse that will get you back on track to loving who you are.


You guys, I’m excited to finally tell you what I’ve been working on over here behind the scenes .  I’m really excited to tell you about it because I have been wanting to create something like this for a while!

This blog is all about exploring who we are becoming + beingopen to where that may lead, but I know that this journey can get tricky at times.

I have found that sometimes growth experiences can bring us to a feeling of overwhelm + feeling lost.  Can you relate?

Becoming more ourselves is a lifelong path that never ends.  And although each of our paths are unique + always changing, there are some similar experiences we all share.

So, I’ve been trying to think of ways I could be more helpful to you–to share some tricks + ideas that I’ve learned through my own self-exploring journey that can make your journey easier (other than writing about these experiences on the blog.)

And here it is:

Digging In: The Free 5 day ecourse that willl bring you back to yourself in gentle + motivating ways.I have created a FREE 5 day course that is delivered by emails right to your inbox that will bring you back to yourself in gentle + creative ways.  

Think of it as a little virtual hug/boost/high five to keep going (because that always feels good when you need a little encouragement.)

This course is all about Digging In to who you are, and loving what you find.

What’s in this course, you say?  Let me tell you! Each day’s email includes:

  • Encouraging words
  • Inspiring graphics
  • A PDF worksheet to help you get focused + take action on the given prompt.

The prompts for each day are to help you feel inspired + excited about getting moving in the direction you want to go.  #winning

The good news?  It’s self-paced and there is no one right way to do it.

The better news?  It’s free.  

I think you’re really going to love it!

So are you ready for your boost?  Click on the picture below to sign up!Looking for a simple way to feel more yourself? This simple mini course will help you dig in to who you are + help you refocus.


Love, Steph




P.S. Please share this with someone you think needs a little pick me up!