letting go and holding on

There are certain beliefs we have that stop us from being ultimately happy.  We don’t even realize where they come from because they are so ingrained into our psyche.  We grow up with these beliefs, (mostly from our parents but also from experiences) and we take them as concrete facts.

We may not even fully buy in to these ideas, but they are so intimately woven into our lives that we don’t see them for what they really are: half-truths.

Lame beliefs hold us prisoner and don’t offer any solace. They delay our growth and happiness.

Let’s let go of these things:

Let go of always wanting more.  We are conditioned to want more, but studies show we are happier with less.  There’s a saturation point for wanting things, both of a physical and emotional nature.  Don’t be a hoarder.

Let go of the fear of the unknown. There’s no magic bullet. You are going to have to figure things out as they come.  But fear is a contagious feeling and it will burrow deep in your heart if you let it.  Trust that things are happening as they should, then take a deep breath and keep moving forward.

Let go of feeling like time is running out.  Time is a man-made construct.  You are the ruler of your time, not the other way around.

Let go of the godforsaken drama.   Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. (Eleanor Roosevelt)  Don’t buy into someone else’s crazytown just because they’re bored and have nothing else to talk about.  Rise above the triteness and find other ways to nourish your soul.

Let go of needing to know the answers.  Enjoy the process and pace at which your life is moving.  If you knew everything all at once, you’d be overwhelmed and miserable.  Enjoy the unfolding of it all.

Make regular adjustments in your life.  It’s normal to change your mind, you’re entitled to grow and expand and move on.

Let go of those lame beliefs that no longer serve you.


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